Si al món de la
música els nerds manessin, fossin importants o se’ls respectés una miqueta, Hefner seria un dels grups referencials
i el disc The Fidelity Wars estaria
encumbrat i tothom parlaria d’ell situant-lo com una de les grans obres d’art
de finals del S.XX.
Però això no
funciona d’aquesta manera, i els nerds segueixen sent uns pringats tant en el
món de la música com en qualsevol altre (bé, exceptuant els que es van dedicar
a muntar megamaravelloses companyies informàtiques i s’han forrat els tios).
El capità de
l’equip dels nerds musicals és sens dubte Darren
Hayman que amb la seva banda Hefner ens va regalar alguns meravellosos discs els darrers anys dels norantes i a l'inici del mil.leni. Destaco
especialment The Fidelity Wars (1999),
una absoluta obra mestra dedicada a la ruptura amb la seva parella.
Les lletres del
disc traspuen acidesa, mala llet i segones intencions per tot arreu encara que
la molt filla de puta de la tal Susan o Helen (ara no recordo com es deia la
bitxa aquesta) s’ho devia de merèixer per putejar d’aquesta manera a en Darren. Ell de ben segur que ho va
intentar al màxim, almenys això vull creure del nostre amic, ja que per algun
motiu ho és i a més el paio em cau força bé.
La llàstima és que
en Darren, posteriorment, va trobar
alguna altra o altres xicotes i devia de follar molt més i se li va temperar la
mala llet, Va deixar de sentir-se la cosa més petitona i desgraciada d’aquest
món i suposo que devia començar a sentir-se més o menys feliç. Aquesta
felicitat va tenir una relació inversament proporcional a la qualitat de la
seva obra posterior ja que els darrers discs de Hefner i els seus en solitari són molt irregulars i molt lluny d'aquesta meravella anomenada The Fidelity Wars.
Que en Darren no canti gaire bé encara ajuda a
que el disc sigui millor. No deixo de veure-li un cert paral·lelisme amb el meravellós In the Aeroplane over the Sea
dels enormes Neutral Milk Hotel (si
algú no ha sentit mai aquest disc ha de reparar-ho amb rapidesa, consell d’amic
de veritat).
Amb els anys s’ha
anat reivindicant als Hefner i una
banda tan interessant com The Wave Pictures
reconeixen obertament que són els seus pares putatius.
Amb el temps The Fidelity Wars s'ha convertit en un dels meus discs preferits.
Què potser sóc una
mica nerd?
Encara te'n quedaba algun dubte?
Don't start me on the rum
Just because it makes me numb
Start me on the whiskey
I know whiskey is his drink
You never drank it with me
But now you drink it with him
I'm not good enough for whiskey
Not good enough for you
Let's start drinking wine
We used to all the time
It used to go to our heads
But then you went to his bed
If the wine stains you lips red
Then tonight you might forget
You might not go home to him
You might stay here with me
It is just wishful thinking
That all this hard drinking
Might lure you back
To my ramshackle stable
There's no point in trying
The debutante was lying
When she said that she did something
That your lips could never do
And if you know what's true
Then you know I love you
Its six months since you left
You must be truly blessed
'Cause you look no less pretty
In fact you may be more so
If you reap the seeds that you sow
Oh, we both know
You are going straight to hell
Don't flake out on me
Oh, you promised you'd write before Easter
And now you damn well know that it's autumn
And I missed you through those summer months
Oh, you promised yourself you'd stop drinking
And I know it's none of my business
But you were mighty and graceful when sober
But all that gin, all that wine
We will always talk this way, tired and slightly jaded
We will waste our tears and we'll be waiting years
For the friends who always promised that they'd phone us
We will always feel this way, faintly optimistic
But we will speak the truth and we will never lose
Oh, the feeling that our hearts could be unbroken
Don't wimp out on me
Oh, I know you've got the strength of 12 oxen
I've seen you get through these things before
Just like you've seen me get through these things before
We will always talk this way, tired and slightly jaded
We will waste our tears and we'll be waiting years
For the friends who always promised that they'd phone us
We will always feel this way, faintly optimistic
But we will speak the truth and we will never lose
Oh, the feeling that our hearts could be unbroken
Oh, we will always feel dismayed, it will only ever be okay
What's the point in getting laid? We're waiting for the better days
We will always feel dismayed but only ever be okay
What's the point in getting laid? We're waiting for the better days
Oh, you promised you'd write before Easter
And now you damn well know that it's autumn
And I missed you through those summer months
Oh, you promised yourself you'd stop drinking
And I know it's none of my business
But you were mighty and graceful when sober
But all that gin, all that wine
We will always talk this way, tired and slightly jaded
We will waste our tears and we'll be waiting years
For the friends who always promised that they'd phone us
We will always feel this way, faintly optimistic
But we will speak the truth and we will never lose
Oh, the feeling that our hearts could be unbroken
Don't wimp out on me
Oh, I know you've got the strength of 12 oxen
I've seen you get through these things before
Just like you've seen me get through these things before
We will always talk this way, tired and slightly jaded
We will waste our tears and we'll be waiting years
For the friends who always promised that they'd phone us
We will always feel this way, faintly optimistic
But we will speak the truth and we will never lose
Oh, the feeling that our hearts could be unbroken
Oh, we will always feel dismayed, it will only ever be okay
What's the point in getting laid? We're waiting for the better days
We will always feel dismayed but only ever be okay
What's the point in getting laid? We're waiting for the better days
In the 1980's I was busy hating,
All of the intangible, the impossibly impractical ideas I'd never understand.
And in the 1990's, it was far too exciting for words,
And now I'm drinking adult drinks and now I have the time too think that sex is so
Who gave you the right to bruise my little heart,
You tore it right apart, I was saving it for art.
You knew just what to do, so who gave you the clue,
I love no-one else, I love only you.
We will capture all of London,
With disposable cameras,
These sights were here before we were born,
They'll be here when we're dead but they'll remember,
They're touched by out lives.
Oh we'll burn all their retinas,
With our patience and our tolerance,
Will kick and moan and spew and scream,
But we'll know exactly what we mean.
Oh who taught you the knack, was it skill or was it luck,
You pulled me into pieces and now I'm truly fucked.
Don't want to be alone, I'm useless on my own I love no-one else, I love only you.
All of the intangible, the impossibly impractical ideas I'd never understand.
And in the 1990's, it was far too exciting for words,
And now I'm drinking adult drinks and now I have the time too think that sex is so
Who gave you the right to bruise my little heart,
You tore it right apart, I was saving it for art.
You knew just what to do, so who gave you the clue,
I love no-one else, I love only you.
We will capture all of London,
With disposable cameras,
These sights were here before we were born,
They'll be here when we're dead but they'll remember,
They're touched by out lives.
Oh we'll burn all their retinas,
With our patience and our tolerance,
Will kick and moan and spew and scream,
But we'll know exactly what we mean.
Oh who taught you the knack, was it skill or was it luck,
You pulled me into pieces and now I'm truly fucked.
Don't want to be alone, I'm useless on my own I love no-one else, I love only you.
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