viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

LA VERDAD ESTÁ AQUÍ DENTRO She Wants Revenge- Take the World

Busquem explicacions. motivacions i perquès per justificar o esfonsar les paraules, actes o omissions dels altres i així tenir combustible per seguir fent créixer als nostres fantasmes o les nostres certeses.

Vocalitzem totes les paraules que coneixem i d’altres d’improbables. Escrivim l’Enciclopèdia Britànica i tota la literatura clàssica un i un altre cop. Busquem pretextes i excuses per marcar el número de telèfon màgic –el teu-.  I també dubtem, estúpidament però dubtem, però també apilem arguments per ofegar aquestes incerteses.

A la sèrie deien “LA VERDAD ESTÁ AHÍ FUERA” però jo crec que no és així, afirmaria que LA VERITAT ESTÀ AQUÍ DINS.

I te n’adones o et retroalimentes amb coses senzilles i banals: una mirada, una trucada, una cançó, una trucada amb una cançó, una foto, una paraula, un somriure.

Potser faria diferent les coses si fos tu, però reconec que les fas bé, molt bé. Molt millor que jo.

Tinc molta sort, perquè malgrat tot encara estàs aquí.

Avui ho he continuat veient. Gràcies.

I rectifico, no són coses banals. Potser amb elles no pots prendre el món però potser no és això el que volem. O simplement, el nostre món és un altre.

The words that no one speaks
About the night before
She stares off at the road
Her finger taps the door
I'd hate to judge if roles reverse you'd think so too

She'd seen the film before
But stayed until the end
She had him to herself
Perhaps as more than friends
Maybe I'd do things differently if I were you

Your pulse it races with mine and I swear that there's no other girl
Your body shakes, it's like tonight we can take the world
Your pulse it races with mine and I swear we can take the world

His hand against her cheek
Her tongue against his neck
She says "you're awfully sweet, I feel like we connect"
Maybe it's love. How would she know?
And did she tell?

The clothes they go on slow
She thinks of what to say
He whispers in her ear
She smiles and looks away
Her heart it screams she grabs his hand and says "me too"

Your pulse it races with mine and I swear that there's no other girl
Your body shakes, it's like tonight we can take the world
Your pulse it races with mine and I swear we can take the world

Is this the life the one you imagined
Is this the life, the one from your dreams
[VO at 3x:] the boy meets girl and a girl meets a boy)

Your pulse it races with mine and I swear that there's no other girl
Your body shakes, it's like tonight we can take the world
Your pulse it races with mine and I swear we can take the world

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