Juer si ha costat, molt molt esforç i moltes hores invertides. Totes, suficients? No ho sé però cadascuna necessària en sí mateixa. Pensar-hi, bé no pensar-hi gaire millor encara, vella tàctica de distracció i d'inhibició d'ansietat. Tant vella com efectiva. Els he maleït unes quantes vegades, mal parits, però mira finalment tot ha anat bé i ho he aconseguit. Potser era un assumpte d'expectatives pletòriques que em van fer perdre la perspectiva però no ho crec, més aviat segueixo pensant en la confusió com a eina de control.
El més important de tot és haver-me demostrat ser capaç de fer una cosa que pensava que em vindria molt gran però el Gigantic he estat jo, per un moment (I can be hero, just for one day).
Només espero no haver estat un trepant martiritzador tot aquest temps fent sagnar les orelles dels que m'envolteu amb el puto resultat dels nassos.
Ara queda enrera i com deien aquells mai prou reivindicats: mira el péndulo, duerme ahora, feliz feliz
And this I know
His teeth as white as snow
What a gas it was to see him
Walk her every day
Into a shady place
With her lips she said
She said
Hey Paul, Hey Paul, Hey Paul, let's have a ball [3x]
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
Lovely legs they are
What a big black mess
What a hunk of love
Walk her every day into a shady place
He's like the dark, but I'd want him
Hey Paul, Hey Paul, Hey Paul, let's have a ball [3x]
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
His teeth as white as snow
What a gas it was to see him
Walk her every day
Into a shady place
With her lips she said
She said
Hey Paul, Hey Paul, Hey Paul, let's have a ball [3x]
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
Lovely legs they are
What a big black mess
What a hunk of love
Walk her every day into a shady place
He's like the dark, but I'd want him
Hey Paul, Hey Paul, Hey Paul, let's have a ball [3x]
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love
Gigantic, gigantic, gigantic
A big big love